Does anyone know that there will be a disability parade in NYC celebrating the 25th anniversary of the American disability Act in NYC? Happening on July 12 2015. Only July 26.1990, just 4 years before I was born the American Disability Act was passed. On December 23. 1994, I was welcome into this world as a healthy premature baby after 3 months of intensive medical care in the hospital I receive medical neglect from staff. Shortly of an year old my parents found out I had Cereb ral Palsy, placing myself into the disability population and the Ada generation as I am the first generation to see and experience the greatest of the ADA. I am grateful that I grew up in this generation of more people who are now more aware and accepting to people with disabilities, but I would never want to forget those who struggled, faced harsh living conditions and some even died from such life style leading to making a difference...